The Role of Physical Activity in Managing & Preventing Diabetes

The Role of Physical Activity in Managing & Preventing Diabetes

Diabetes is a rapidly growing concern all over among millions of people worldwide. While medication and dietary changes play a crucial role in managing diabetes, physical activity is equally essential. Regular exercise not only helps in managing blood sugar levels but also plays a significant role in preventing diabetes. Optimizing physical activities, including yoga and other forms of exercise, significantly benefit individuals with diabetes or pre-diabetic. 

How physical activity helps in diabetes management and prevention

Engaging in regular physical activity improves insulin sensitivity, allowing your body to improve insulin usage. Exercise helps lower blood glucose levels, reduces insulin resistance, and supports overall health development. Additionally, regular workouts aid in weight management, reducing the primary factors of type 2 diabetes. 

It is recommended to exercise at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity to maintain optimal sugar levels. Strength training, cardio, yoga, and, aerobics contribute to better diabetes management.

Yoga for Diabetes Management

Yoga is an excellent form of physical activity to manage diabetes as it combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Studies have shown that practicing yoga helps in lowering blood sugar levels, reduces stress, and improves overall well-being. 

Vrikshasana also known as Tree Pose: Enhances balance and improves insulin function. 

Bhujangasana also known as cobra pose: Stimulates the pancreas, and promotes better insulin function. 

Dhanurasana also known as Bow Pose: Improves digestion and pancreatic function. 

Patchimotchasana also known as seated forward bend: Helps regulate blood sugar levels and relieve stress. 

Surya Namaskar also known as sun salutation: A complete body workout that enhances insulin sensitivity and metabolism. 

Incorporating yoga into your daily routine not only helps in managing diabetes but also improves overall health.


Optimizing physical activities

To maximize the benefits of exercise for diabetes management, Consider these tips: 

Stay Consistent: Instead of intense workouts without consistency, be consistent and do workouts with moderate intensity. 

Monitor Blood Sugar Levels: Track blood glucose llevelsbefore and after exercise to understand the difference. 

Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can affect blood sugar levels, so drinking water is essential. 

Listen to your bodies: Avoid overexertion and take necessary breaks during workouts.



Regular exercise activities help control blood sugar levels, improving insulin sensitivity and reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications. Yoga, aerobic exercises, and strengthening exercises and strength training ensuring effective diabetes management. By staying and making exercise a habit we can take control of their health. If you are suffering from diabetes for a long term, Book your appointment with Shreevarma Ayurveda hospital today.

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